Friday, September 16, 2011

Take This Life and Love It

A One-Day Mini Retreat

offered by Sheila M. Kelly

Every Fall, I like to take advantage of the opportunity to offer a program through what was previously known as Great Harbour and which is now Inspired Learning. It is a gift I give myself and a way to support Bedford United Church (although I am not a member, I appreciate the way they embrace progressive programming). As well, I am able to connect with others on the spiritual aspects of our journey. I would love to have YOU join with me to connect with each other and The Divine. As we walk this journey, it is healing to join together with like-minded individuals to share our collective wisdom so we shine even more brightly and purposefully.

This year, it seems that a mini retreat is in order ... a few hours spent together on Saturday, Nov. 5th (more details below) in a quiet setting to gently nurture our souls, deepen acceptance of self, and stimulate collaboration with all aspects of our Being. This retreat is not about escaping from anything but embracing where and who one is in all areas of life by tapping into the knowingness within. As the world continues its awakening, as individuals participate in the great shift that is unfolding, there is a thirst for understanding ... a desire to make sense of who we are, individually and collectively. If you are on a spiritual journey of awakening, you will be drawn to this retreat.

By attending this retreat, you will give the following gifts to yourself:

Strengthen your concept of and connection with whatever one identifies as one's spiritual Source.

Understand how to align the voices of ego and spirit;

Be more able to integrate ego with soul on the spiritual journey;

Use visualization techniques to explore and clear beliefs which may interfere with peace and fulfillment;

Meditate and journal to strengthen acceptance of all aspects of self and Self.

As well, we will take a step into the paradigm of total love and acceptance of ... you. Not just the "spiritual" you, but all aspects of who you "be."

Please be in touch to register, to ask questions, or to just connect. If you feel that someone else might like to attend, please share this blog.

Date: Saturday, November 5, 2011

Time: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

Suggested Fee: $65

Location: Bedford United Church,

1200Bedford Highway,

Bedford NS, Canada

To register: Email

by October 15, 2011

Sheila Kelly, BA (Psychology) certified with the prestigious Coaches Training Institute over ten years ago and has worked with hundreds of clients over the past decade. She also facilitated A Course in Miracles study group as volunteer for five years. In addition to a BA in psychology, Sheila has advanced credentials as a True Purpose coach, the Collaborative Operating System, and The Belief Closet. Her own spiritual transformation has unfolded over the past 18 years and continues to inform her work. Sheila has coached hundreds of middle and senior managers, delivered corporate and spiritual workshops, and delivered presentations to up to 200 people. She is a co-founder and facilitator with The Lunch Pack A colleague recently called her The Soul Whisperer. _______________________________________________